Meeting Year : 2025

Requirements - Email address and internet access* Free email accounts available with: Gmail, Yahoo and Microsoft.

Please note that in completing this form, the information provided will be used "as is typed and submitted in this form" in the preliminary program, final program, and on the WEB. Type in upper and lower case and proof your work carefully before you submit. Fields noted with an asterisk (*) are required.

Last Name*:
First Name*:
Institutional Affiliation*: (Do not abbreviate)
Office Phone:
Home Phone:
Confirm your email, please re-enter*:
In order to facilitate scholarly communication, e-mail addresses will be listed in the conference program. If you DO NOT want your e-mail address included, please check here:

Current academic status (check one)*:
Faculty Member Graduate Student Undergrad Student Year Ph.D. EXPECTED

Undergraduate students are invited to present posters on research they are conducting under the supervision of their Political Science faculty advisors. Any topic appropriate to the political science discipline - broadly conceived - is welcome.
Undergraduates may only submit to Undergraduate Poster Section

Notice: All panel rooms will be equipped with LCD projectors. However, you will need to provide your own laptop and adaptor. We use Dell 1210S Projectors.

Please choose which type of submission you are making*:

Participants may be on only two panels. Participants may present only one single-authored paper and one additional co-authored paper (two presentations total on two panels). They may however participate as discussant, chair on additional panels should the need arise.

I'm submitting a paper.
Your relation to the paper is:
I'm the Primary Author of the paper
I'm a Secondary Author of the paper
Please indicate your willingness to serve as chair and/or discussant below.
I would also like to volunteer to serve as
     chair    and/or
Chairs Responsibilities:
The primary responsibility of the chair is to oversee that the session runs smoothly and productively. The chair is responsible for introducing the session and its participants, managing the timing of the presentations, and making sure the discussion proceeds in a productive manner.

Duties of the Discussant:
Discussants critically evaluate the panel's research papers. Along with critically evaluating each paper, the discussants should also ask panelists about how their findings can be used in the classroom.
I'm making a submission for a full roundtable discussion panel.
You wish to participate in the panel as a:
Panel Chair
Panel Discussant
I am only interested in volunteering to serve on a Panel, and will not be submitting a paper.
You wish to participate in the panel as a:
Panel Chair
Panel Discussant
I'm making a full panel submission, and I have multiple papers to submit now.

Use this section only if you intend to put together a full panel (paper presenter PANEL with chair and/or discussant) and wish to have the section chair consider the panel accordingly. Panels should consist of 4-5 Papers. Please do not complete the form until you have the names and emails for all of your panel members, and their affiliation.

I'm making a full panel submission, and I only have a single paper to submit now.
Your relation to the paper is:
I'm the Primary Author of the paper
I'm a Secondary Author of the paper

You wish to participate in the panel as a:
Panel Chair
Panel Discussant