Art Blaser: blaser@chapman.edu
Giulia Corno: gcorno@ucsd.edu
We currently plan to have one Zoom meeting per month, lasting about an hour, to discuss readings of published work by persons outside our group; sharing our work through small workshop-style events; occasional virtual happy hours for the exchange of experiences, survival tips, professional advice, and general networking. Additional events are possible if members want them, including possible meetings of subsets of the group, and/or joint meetings with other virtual communities.
Though we aim at primarily a theoretical focus, we are open to political scientists working in critical disability studies from other subfields of political science. Scholars at every professional level are welcome.We are interested in a wide range of questions and issues pertaining to disability through shared readings, commentary on each other’s work, and discussions of trends within the field. We are particularly interested in sharing our own work in progress in a collegial and friendly non-competitive setting.
Regular WPSA membership dues include participation in the Virtual Communities program along with discounted registration fees to WPSA’s in-person conference, subscriptions to its two journals, and eligibility to participate in all other WPSA activities. For scholars and students who are interested in participating only in the Virtual Communities, WPSA offers a limited membership that does not include any other benefits. We encourage everyone who can to join WPSA as a full member to help sustain the Association.
To join or renew your WPSA membership click here:
To register for the Virtual Community Program click here: