Annual Awards
Annual Meetings
Annual Meetings - Program
Annual Reports
Financial Statements
Record Retention
Political Research Quarterly
Affirmative Action
Refund Policy
April 18, 2019 - March 6, 2019 - April 13, 2017 - September 3, 2015 - April 2, 2015 - March 28, 2013 - March 22, 2012 - October 3, 2011 - September 2, 2010 - April 1, 2010 - August 28, 2008 - March 20, 2008 - August 28, 2007 - March 8, 2007 - March 16, 2006 - March 11, 2004 - August 29, 2003 - March 27, 2003 - August 30, 2002 - March 15, 2001 - September 2, 2000 - September 3, 1999 - September 4, 1998 - March 21,1998
A. The following annual awards have been approved by the Association:
1) Dissertation Award: For the best doctoral dissertation completed at a university within the regional groupings of the WPSA between July 1 and June 30 of the previous academic year.
Pi Sigma Alpha Award: For the best paper presented at the previous WPSA
annual meeting.
Betty Nesvold Women and Politics Award: For the best paper on women and
politics presented at the previous WPSA annual meeting.
WPSA Best Paper Award on Latina/Latino Politics: For an outstanding paper
on Latina/Latino politics and its relative aspects.
Award by Committee on the Status of Blacks: For an outstanding paper discussing
issues and problems that concern most Black Americans.
Political Research Quarterly Best Article Award: For the best article
published in the Political Research Quarterly during the calendar year
preceding the annual meeting at which the award is to be presented.
Charles Redd Center Award: For the best paper on the politics of the American
West presented at the previous WPSA annual meeting.
Environmental Political Theory Award: For the best paper in environmental
political theory (EPT) presented at the previous WPSA meetings
Don T. Nakanishi Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Service in Asian
Pacific American Politics.
The Clay Morgan Award: For the Best Book published in Environmental Political
Theory during the previous three years.
The following guidelines are applicable to the awards given by the Association:
The committees to determine recipients of the Dissertation Award, the
Charles Redd Center Award, the Pi Sigma Alpha Award, and the Environmental
Political Theory Award shall be comprised of three members each. The President
of the Association shall appoint all three members of each committee by
January 15. Recommendations for appointments to the EPT Award Committee
will be sent to the President at the conclusion of the annual EPT Workshop
by members of that group. These award committees will review papers delivered
two months later at the March WPSA meetings, and the papers selected will
be announced as the award winners at the WPSA meetings the following year
in March. The award committees shall adopt procedures to assure a fair
evaluation of submissions from all fields.
Selection of winners of the Betty Nesvold Women and Politics Award, the
Latina/Latino Politics Award, the Blacks and Politics Award, and the Asian
Pacific American and Politics Award shall be the responsibility of the
four relevant status committees. The award winners chosen will be announced
at the WPSA meetings in March of the year following the initial presentation
of the papers. The chair of the status committee shall chair the selection
of the award.
The Chair of each award committee shall be responsible for securing all
papers eligible for the award.
The award committee for the Political Research Quarterly Best Paper Award
shall be comprised of three members. The President of the Association
shall appoint the chair of the committee, and the editors of the Political
Research Quarterly shall select the other two members by January 15.
All WPSA awards should carry a monetary prize, the exact sum of which
shall be determined by the Executive Council. Currently the amounts for
the Dissertation Award, the Betty Nesvold Women and Politics Award, the
Latina/Latino Politics Award, the Blacks and Politics Award, the Charles
Redd Center Award, the Environmental Political Theory Award, and the Asian
Pacific American and Politics Award are $250 each. The amount for the
Pi Sigma Alpha Award is $500, and the amount for the Political Research
Quarterly Best Article Award is $1000. The WPSA Executive Council, however,
retains the right to create awards that do not carry a monetary prize.
The award prize may include the waiving of registration fees or other
actions that recognize the achievements of the recipients.
As part of the long-standing commitment of the Association to have the
Political Research Quarterly reflect the intellectual strengths of the
organization, WPSA paper award winners are provided with an enhanced opportunity
to seek publication of the paper in PRQ. Papers receiving WPSA awards
will be offered the opportunity of an expedited review. If, after the
first review, an award winning paper does not meet the normal publication
standards as determined by the editor(s), at least one opportunity to
revise and resubmit will be provided to the author(s). There is no guarantee
that papers will be published, but the editors will make every effort
to work with authors to bring manuscripts to the level required by the
normal peer review process. Papers must be submitted through the web-based
submission system within six months of receipt of the award.
The committees that determine the awards for the best papers presented
at the annual meeting of the WPSA may recognize only one winning paper
each year. The PRQ award committee should also strive to recognize only
one winning article each year. However, the PRQ award committee may recognize
up to two co-winners if it decides that two articles are of equal significance.
All award committees may issue statements of honorable mention.
The Betty E. Moulds Lifetime Service Award was created to recognize an
individual who has made significant contributions to the operation and
status of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA). To be eligible
for the award, the candidate must:
Be a member in good standing with the WPSA in recent years.
Have contributed to WPSA in two or more of the following manners:
Held a position of leadership in the association (Executive Director,
President, Vice President, Treasurer, etc.)
Served as a member of the WPSA Executive Council
Served on WPSA committees or task forces
Participated in WPSA activities beyond attending the annual meetings,
such as pre- conference workshops
Be present at WPSA Annual Meeting to receive the commendation unless extenuating
circumstances do not allow their presence.
In any year, an award committee may decline to make an award.
Winners of all awards shall be announced at the annual meeting of the
Announcements concerning the availability of the awards and deadlines
for submission are to be published in the September issue of the PRQ and
included within the Fall mailing to all members and departments within
the WPSA.
The Executive Council shall from time to time review the awards given
by the Association and assess the need for deletions or additions.
The Council shall attempt to agree on sites two years in advance of each
annual meeting.
Registration fees for those attending the annual meeting shall be separate
from annual dues and the fee amount shall be determined by the Executive
Director, President and the Program Chairperson.
The Local Arrangements Chairperson is responsible for serving as liaison
to the annual meeting hotel, securing information regarding area resources,
and assisting the Program Chair, the Executive Director and the Associate
Director with a variety of administrative tasks to insure that the annual
meeting runs smoothly for the members. He/she shall be responsible for
scheduling all special events including the pre-meeting workshops and
act as liaison with the hotel staff and workshop coordinators.
The Executive and Associate Directors are responsible for the budget,
financial arrangements and accountings for the annual meeting; updating,
maintaining and distributing procedural manual for building the program;
training section chairs on the software for the program; compiling and
maintaining the database for the building of the preliminary and final
program both on the Web and in print; maintaining registration database
and procedures; soliciting and contracting with various publishers to
exhibit and advertise at the meeting; notifying members of their participation
in the program, of meeting agendas and of hotel and other local arrangements
(through mailings and web postings); providing program data to All Academic,
Inc., to facilitate Web posting of meeting participants' papers.
Decisions concerning whether to schedule formal luncheons and dinners,
and selection of distinguished speakers for such events, shall be made
jointly by the President, the Program Chairperson, and the Local Arrangements
The Executive Director shall, in fall preceding each annual business meeting,
request items for the agenda of that meeting. Proposed items will be placed
on the agenda of the next business meeting under "New Business" in the
order in which proposals endorsed by at least twenty-five (25) dues-paying
members of the Western Political Science Association from three or more
separate institutions shall be received by the Executive Director. Such
proposals must be received by the Executive Director on or before December
10. The Executive Director shall notify the membership of the association
of all properly endorsed agenda items in the mailing that includes or
notes the preliminary program of the meeting each spring."
The Vice President shall be Program Chairperson and shall be responsible
for implementing the following guidelines:
The Call for Papers and other information regarding the next annual meeting
shall be included in the Final Program for the current meeting. The Call
for Papers is to be submitted by the Program Chair by February 1st. Also,
formal notice shall be mailed to all WPSA members, APSA members of the
West and political science departments by May 30. This mailing shall include
names of section chairpersons.
Section chairpersons shall be members of the WPSA.
Proposals for panels should be submitted to section chairpersons for review
via an online participation form by the second Friday in September. Section
chairs may begin building their panels after the September deadline and
shall keep to the schedule as listed in the Procedural Manual provided
to them annually. The President, Program Chair and the Associate Director
will establish these dates annually. Such dates shall take into consideration
the following:
posting of the preliminary program in mid-November;
making all AV requests by mid-November; "
scheduling panels in early December;
posting days and times of panels by mid-December; and
providing All Academic with the WPSA program by January 5.
By mid-January the Executive Director shall notify WPSA members of the
Website availability of the preliminary program. Participants will be
informed via e-mail when the program is posted.
In no case shall a panel be closed before the deadline for submission.
Proposals to present papers must be submitted on the WEB and e-mails are
required of all participants. They should be brief, yet contain enough
information so that the section and panel chairpersons can make an adequate
The Program Chairperson and section chairpersons shall attempt to secure
substantial representation in the annual program of members of the WPSA,
and residents and institutions of the WPSA region.
Program participants shall be required to register in order to participate
in the program and to pre-register in order to have their names appear
in the final printed program.
The program of the WPSA shall involve no continuing commitment to any
organization, group, or committee other than the membership of the WPSA.
However, organizations, groups, and committees may be invited by the Program
Chairperson in consultation with the President to have concurrent meetings
that are not part of the regular panel program.
Participants are allowed to present only one single-authored paper at
the meeting. A second participation is allowed in the role of co-author
or roundtable participant. Serving as a panel discussant or chair is encouraged
and does not count as a second participation. These limits shall not prevent
anyone from also participating in the official business of the meeting.
Each individual giving a paper at an annual meeting will be expected to
submit timely electronic copy for web posting as per instructions to program
At each annual meeting the outgoing President shall submit a full year
summary of the actions of the Executive Council.
The Treasurer shall, in consultation with the Executive Director, submit
a full financial statement to the membership, through the Executive Council,
at each annual meeting.
No committee or other agency of the WPSA may solicit funds from outside
persons or organizations without the express consent of the Executive
Upon request of committee chairpersons, the President is authorized to
allocate funds for their use up to a limit for all committees established
in the approved budget.
Within the limits of funds available, it is the policy of WPSA to reimburse
the President, the Vice President, and the Executive Director, and the
Associate Director for travel and expenses incurred in attending site
visits and the annual meeting. When funds are limited, the Executive Director
should have highest priority.
In addition, it is WPSA policy, when necessary, to provide the President,
Vice President, and the Local Arrangements Chairperson for the next annual
meeting reimbursement for travel, but not other expenses, to assist them
in attending the meeting of the Executive Council at the annual meeting
of the APSA. The Executive Director and Associate Director shall be reimbursed
for both travel and expenses to attend APSA.
Investment Policy. The objective of the WPSA Investment Policy is to provide
guidelines for the management of the Western Political Science Association's
financial assets. There shall be three funds: Operating, Reserve, and
Endowment. The Operating Fund is to be a fund for recurring administrative
and program expenditures. Fund allocation should equal WPSA annual budget
plus 5%. Fund should be liquid i.e. cash, money market accounts, or short
term certificates of deposit. The Reserve Fund is to be a fund to insure
continued Association operations in the event of financial contingencies
such as a significant loss of convention and/or membership revenue, and
to enable the Association membership/subscription dues to be kept relatively
low (as compared to other academic associations) to promote the broadest
possible membership. The fund consists of the financial assets less the
Operating Fund and the Endowment. The investment strategy should be designed
to preserve the principal and net an annual return consistent with principal
preservation. The choice of investment instruments is left to the Executive
Director to be made in consultation with the President, Treasurer, and
Investment Policy Committee in accordance with the financial objective
set by the Executive Council. If expert advice is deemed necessary, the
aforementioned officials may retain an investment manager. The Endowment
Fund is to be a fund composed of the monies that are given to the Association
for designated purposes such as awards or special activities. The investment
strategy will be the same as for the Reserve Fund.
WPSA records will be retained according to the following schedule:
of non-profit status
of Executive Council and Membership
financial reports
listing of association officers
listing award winners
membership reports Annual programs
tax returns
Minutes of Executive Council and Membership
and Procedures
tax records
records and bank statements: association business
records and bank statements: Convention business
of Understanding
tax returns
Effective September 15, 2006, the 2006 Memorandum of Understanding Between
the Western Political Science Association and the University of Utah shall
be the document governing relationships between the WPSA, the PRQ, and
the owner and publisher of the PRQ, the University of Utah.
The editor of the PRQ shall be appointed by the WPSA Executive Council
for a term of four years, with possible two-year renewals. An Editor Selection
Committee shall be designated by the Executive Council of the WPSA to
screen and interview candidates and to recommend finalists to the Council.
The Managing Editor of the PRQ (or his/her designee) is to be included
as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the selection committee.
The Editor of the PRQ shall appoint an Editorial Board of sufficient size,
diversity, and scholarly standing to be consistent with the general mission
of the journal. He or she may also appoint qualified scholars to assist
in the editorial process. The titles of such appointments will be determined
by the Editor to reflect an appropriate level of responsibility.
Dues shall constitute the charge for combined PRQ subscription and WPSA
membership. The cost of dues shall be determined by the Executive Council
of the Association.
The Association supports the participation of women, Blacks, Latinas/Latinos,
Asian Pacific Americans, and other minorities in all phases of Association
activities. These include:
Membership on the Editorial Policy Board of the Political Research Quarterly;
Participation on panels at the annual meeting;
Participation as officers and on committees of the Association.
In addition, the WPSA recommends that political science departments take
affirmative action to increase the number of women, Blacks, Latinas/Latinos,
Asian Pacific Americans, and other minorities in each academic rank in
which women, Blacks, Chicanos, Asian Pacific Americans, and other minorities
are under-represented relative to the proportion of scholars in those
labor pools.
The WPSA recommends that to assure an adequate representation of women,
Blacks, Latinas/Latinas, and other minorities in academic positions, political
science departments take affirmation action to increase the number of
women, Blacks, Latinas/Latinos, Asian Pacific Americans, and other minority
graduate students by admitting qualified persons in proportions at least
equal to the proportion of those groups among those who applied; e.g.,
if half of the applicants are women, then half of those admitted should
be women.
The WPSA is prepared to sponsor surveys of the participation of women,
Blacks, Latinas/Latinos, Asian Pacific Americans, and other minority groups
among political scientists and graduate students in the West. On the basis
of the data from the census conducted by the Committee on the Status of
Women in the Profession, the Executive Council shall distribute to the
membership and other interested parties information about departmental
responses to the affirmative action resolutions on women as adopted by
the Association.
The WPSA Bylaws provide the following rules governing committee member
qualifications, the existence of standing committees, and the standard
length of committee service:
Qualifications For Service on Committees. Members of the various Committees
of the Association shall be limited to Members of the Association whose
memberships are in good standing.
Standing Committees. The Association shall have the following standing
Committee on Nominations;
Committees on Awards;
Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession;
Committee on the Status of Latinos/as in the Profession;
Committee on the Status of Blacks in the Profession;
Committee on the Status of Asian Pacific Americans in the Profession;
Committee on Information Technology;
Investment Policy Committee; and
WPSA Wage Committee.
of the committees shall be as follows: members of the Committees on Awards
shall serve one year terms; members of the Status Committees and the Investment
Policy Committee shall serve three year terms; members of the Committee
on Nominations and the Committee on Information Technology shall serve
two years terms; the members of the WPSA Wage Committee will consist of
the WPSA Treasurer, the immediate Past President of the Association, the
Current President, and the Next President. [Article IX, Sections 1 and
The Committee on Nominations will include at least one member of the WPSA
Executive Council, serving ex-officio on the committee, as a liaison.
Any other committees desiring such a liaison may request one. The WPSA
President will appoint any such liaisons.
The terms of committee members will be renewable with the mutual consent
of the members and the appointing authority.
As best as possible, committee member terms should be staggered so that
approximately one-third of the members of the Status Committees and half
the members of committee with two-year terms are appointed each year.
The WPSA President appoints the chairs of all WPSA committees. The term
for committee chairs is normally one year. However, the president may
reappoint the same individual to serve as a committee chair for additional
terms. Committee chair appointments will be made by January 15 of each
Status Committees. WPSA has a long standing commitment to diversity in
scholarship and within the scholarly community. To this end the Association
has three Status Committees which are intended to promote scholarship
and teaching within the relevant areas of studies and to advance the interests
of the research communities which are served by the status committees.
These committees are:
Committee on the Status of Blacks within the Profession
Committee on the Status of Blacks in the Profession develops and promotes
activities concerning the professional development of Blacks within the
discipline. The committee's role is to encourage communication among scholars
in the field. To this end, the committee will assist in the promotion
of teaching and scholarship in the field in the following ways:
selecting the annual winner of the WPSA award for an outstanding paper
discussing issues and problems that concern most Black Americans. The
Chair of the Status Committee will chair this award selection and be responsible
for receiving nominations from WPSA section chairs, panel chairs and members,
status committee members, and others as well as soliciting additional
proposing and organizing relevant workshops at meetings of the WPSA
suggesting special panels or roundtables to section chairs of the annual
bringing issues regarding interests of members of the community to the
attention of the Executive Council of the Association. This may include
suggestions as to ways in which the Association may further develop the
teaching and research community.
Committee on the Status of Latinos/as within the Profession
Committee on the Status of Latinos/as in the Profession develops and promotes
activities concerning the professional development of Latinos/as within
the discipline. The committee's role is to encourage communication among
scholars in the field. To this end, the committee will assist in the promotion
of teaching and scholarship in the field in the following ways:
selecting the annual winner of the WPSA award on Latina/Latino Politics
to honor an outstanding paper on Latina/Latino politics and its relative
aspects. The Chair of the Status Committee will chair this award selection
and be responsible for receiving nominations from WPSA section chairs,
panel chairs and members, status committee members, and others as well
as soliciting additional nominations.
proposing and organizing Latino/a Politics Workshops at meetings of the
suggesting special panels or roundtables to section chairs of the annual
bringing issues regarding interests of members of the community to the
attention of the Executive Council of the Association. This may include
suggestions as to ways in which the Association may further develop the
teaching and research community.
Committee on the Status of Women within the Profession
Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession develops and promotes
activities concerning the professional development of Women within the
discipline. The committee's role is to encourage communication among scholars
in the field. To this end, the committee will assist in the promotion
of teaching and scholarship in the field in the following ways:
selecting the annual winner of the WPSA Betty Nesvold Women and Politics
Award for the best paper on women and politics presented at the previous
WPSA annual meeting. The Chair of the Status Committee will chair this
award selection and be responsible for receiving nominations from WPSA
section chairs, panel chairs and members, status committee members, and
others as well as soliciting additional nominations.
proposing and organizing relevant workshops at meetings of the WPSA
suggesting special panels or roundtables to section chairs of the annual
bringing issues regarding interests of members of the community to the
attention of the Executive Council of the Association. This may include
suggestions as to ways in which the Association may further develop the
teaching and research community.
Committee on the Status of Asian Pacific Americans within the Profession
The Committee on the Status of Asian Pacific Americans in the Profession
develops and promotes activities concerning the professional development
of Asian Pacific Americans within the discipline. The committee's role
is to encourage communication among scholars in the field. To this end,
the committee will assist in the promotion of teaching and scholarship
in the field in the following ways:
selecting the annual winner of the WPSA award for an outstanding paper
discussing issues and problems that concern Asian Pacific Americans. The
Chair of the Status Committee will chair this award selection and be responsible
for receiving nominations from WPSA section chairs, panel chairs and members,
status committee members, and others as well as soliciting additional
proposing and organizing relevant workshops at meetings of the WPSA
suggesting special panels or roundtables to section chairs of the annual
bringing issues regarding interests of members of the community to the
attention of the Executive Council of the Association. This may include
suggestions as to ways in which the Association may further develop the
teaching and research community.
WPSA Privacy Policy
Collection of Personal Information When you sign up as a member of the
Western Political Science Association, or you register for the Association's
annual meeting, the Association collects personally identifiable information,
such as your e-mail address, name, date of birth, home or work address,
telephone number, and credit card number. The membership form also asks
for you to provide some demographic information, including your gender,
ethnicity, scholarly interests, and highest degree obtain. While it is
helpful to the Association to know this demographic information, you are
not required to provide it to become a member.
Statement of Privacy The Western Political Science Association is committed
to protecting your privacy. As part of this commitment, we do not share
personally identifiable information provided through the membership and
registration forms with outside organizations or individuals, except for
trusted partners who are conducting work expressly on the Association's
behalf, such as the publishers of our journals. All such third parties
are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide
these services to the Western Political Science Association, and they
are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information. The
Association collects and uses your personal information to perform its
business and to better serve its membership. The demographic information
is gathered to better understand the Association's membership base. On
occasion, the Association may share the results of its demographics analyses
with external organizations and individuals. In doing so, the Association
does not share any personally identifiable information. The only information
that the Association makes public is that it lists the university affiliation
and email addresses of conference participants on its online program.
Please keep in mind that if you directly disclose personally identifiable
information or personally sensitive data through the Western Political
Science Association blog and social media sites, this information is accessible
to others outside the Association. The Western Political Science Association
will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required
to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary
conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on
Western Political Science Association;
protect and defend the rights or property of Western Political Science
Association; and,
act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users
of Western Political Science Association, or the public.
Security of your Personal Information The Western Political Science Association
secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
The Association secures the personally identifiable information you provide
on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from
unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When personal information (such
as a credit card number) is transmitted to other Web sites, it is protected
through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
Contact Information The Western Political Science Association welcomes
your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you believe that the Association
has not adhered to this Policy, please contact the Executive Director
of the Western Political Science Association. We will use commercially
reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem.
B. WPSA Refund Policy
Like many academic associations, including
the American Political Science Association, the Western Political Science
Association does not offer refunds for cancelled membership nor conference
1) Restrictions
The Western Political Science Association is a non-partisan, non-profit organization, which was created with the purpose of promoting the study and teaching of government and politics, fostering research, and facilitating the discussion of public affairs. As such, the Association does not support political parties or candidates, nor does it lobby. However, the Association may make advocacy and public awareness efforts in areas that are related to scholarship, research, education, academic freedom, freedom of expression, political science as a discipline, the social sciences in general, and on other issues that are related to its purposes or directly affects its membership in their professional capacity. The Association may not take advocacy positions that are inconsistent with WPSA Bylaws or with the laws governing non-profit organizations in the state of California.
2) Process
The Membership and the WPSA Executive Council may vote to support advocacy and public awareness efforts following the rules governing voting as spelled out in the WPSA Bylaws. If the Association President determines that there is not sufficient time to conduct such a vote by the Membership or Executive Council, then the WPSA Policy Committee is given the power to authorize support for advocacy and public awareness efforts. These efforts include the signing of petitions, the issuing of statements, and the use of other reasonable forms of communication. The Committee may not take positions that are inconsistent with the limitations described in Section I above.
3) The WPSA Policy Committee Membership
The WPSA Policy Committee shall consist of the current President, the immediate Past President, and the Vice President (Program Chair). The Executive Director will serve as a non-voting ex-officio member.
These policies and procedures may be amended by majority vote of the Executive Council of the Association.