2025 Conference

(Note: An * indicates a required field.)(Note: An * indicates a required field.)

You will receive a receipt of your registration within 72 hours after you submit this form via e-mail from the following address, info@wpsanet.org. It will serve as your confirmation. Receipts will not be mailed or faxed.

Please note, WPSA Conference Policy does not allow for refunds of conference fees. The conference will be in person. There will be no virtual panels offered.





ADDRESS (where your credit card statement is mailed):
* No. & Street:

* City:

Please enter "none" if no state/province.

*ZIP/Postal Code:     Country:

TELEPHONES (U.S. residents, please include area code.  International residents, please include country and city codes.):


  Please enter your WPSA membership email if you are currently a member or were a member previously,
  otherwise a new membership account will be created with the email you provided.

* Rank:

*CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FOR 2025 Over the past few years, many environmental scholars have raised concerns about the effect that academic conferences have on the climate, especially through airline travel. As part of what we are calling the WPSA Climate Friendly Conference Initiative, the WPSA Executive Council voted to create a Climate Action Fund in 2020 to support projects, initiatives, and policies that will help the association lower its climate impact. The council also voted to increase the conference registration fee by $15 to support the fund. The increase is being introduced for the 2022 conference and will continue into the future. We hope that the funds raised through this fee increase will help the WPSA reduce its carbon footprint and build awareness of the impact that the association has on the climate. The fee is not being imposed on graduate students, retirees, and community college faculty. Members who want to take a larger step in helping the association address climate change are encouraged to donate to the Climate Action Fund. (select one):

$225 - WPSA member
$125 - Student/Retiree
$225 - Community College Faculty

If you do not want to renew your membership, or to sign up as a new member, please select NONE from the options below before submitting this form.

WPSA Membership rates: (If you are currently a member or have been a member in the past this will automatically renew your membership under the same email you provided above. Other wise a new account will be created for you with the provided email.)

There is a surcharge of $1.00 for those using a credit card (only Visa or Mastercard are accepted); a surcharge of $2.50 for postage for Canada and Mexico, and $4.00 for postage for all other foreign countries.

**You may pay for your dues now and register for the convention as a member at the same time, but you must indicate that you are paying for your membership as well. All dues paying members of the WPSA receive a subscription to both the "Political Research Quarterly" and the "Politics, Groups and Identities" journals.

Check here if you want to receive a hard copy subscription to the journal. All members have online access to the journal; a hard copy subscription is not available to members paying reduced membership fees (students/retirees).

2020 WPSA Local Arrangements Activities:
1. $35 A night at the Theater
2. $30 Midafternoon Broad Museum Tour
3. $32 OUE Skyspace LA
4. $25 Walking Tour of Historic LA
5. $70 Los Angeles Clippers v. Golden State Warriors

If you would like to make a donation to the WPSA, please select the amount below. Please note this will all be charged onto one credit card. The WPSA is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization; as such, your contributions are fully tax-deductible, as permitted by law.

Donation Amount: $
Where would you like your donation to go towards?

Please note that registration fees are not refundable.

Check if attending
Miniconference: Community College Faculty
No yes

Do you have an account on one of the following information technology/social media tools?

no yes

If yes, please provide the account name/address or URL where applicable

Do you anticipate the need for child care, and would you like further information about it?

no yes

Are you a participant in the upcoming meetings?

no yes

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act required under Title III, do you require special accommodation (i.e. auxiliary aids and services, accessible sleeping room, etc.)?

no yes

And explain the need here:

I authorize the WPSA to send notification of membership meetings via e-mail.

no yes

After you complete the registration form, you will be directed to our PayPal account for payment. PayPal will email you a receipt once your payment has been processed. Please allow up to 72 hours for WPSA to email you a conference confirmation. If you would prefer to pay by check, press Submit after completing the registration form and when directed to PayPal, close the window. Then email info@wpsanet.org for details on mailing a check. Registrations will not be processed until payment is received.

select the image of the wheel,
unselect all animals

If you are experiencing problems submitting your registration or have questions about the WPSA conference, please send a message to info@wpsanet.org.