WPSA Virtual Community Registration

To access VC events, please let us know which VCs you're interested in joining.
If you are unsure of your WPSA membership status, click here to check if your membership is up to date: https://www.wpsanet.org/forms/check_member_registration.php



(Please use the same email as for your WPSA membership.)


Which VCs are you interested in joining? *
The VCs noted below also use member forms of their own to gather more specific information from interested participants. You will be able to fill out these forms later. For more information on each of the VCs follow the link to the VC homepage http://wpsanet.org/virtual/wpsavc.php.

Contemporary Feminist Political Theory
Critical Disability Studies
Education Politics and Policy
Embodied Social Change and Healing Justice
Environmental and Climate Change Politics
Environmental and Climate Justice
Inclusive Teaching and Pedagogy
Interpretive Methods in Political Science
Pandemic Inequity
Political Theory